Saturday, April 25, 2020

How to Get Ideas for Viral Blog Posts?

Viral blog posts are a dream for any blogger or content marketer, and you can get some amazing ideas for such posts from different sources.

As a blogger or even as a content marketer, you would like to create viral blog posts that can be shared so many times as to bring huge attention to your brand. Businesses that get the highest ROI online have much to thank their content marketing team for. When you publish high quality content in your blogs for consistently long times, you can have the audience iuy32eating out of your hands. Here is how to get fantastic ideas for viral blog posts. Hire the marketing agency that offers experts SEO service according to your budget visiting this website.

Check competitors’ blogs

Look at the company blogs in the industry that cater to a similar audience as you, and make a note of what is being published in such blogs. You can make a list of the kind of topics that you can work on. Do not copy the topics line by line. Simply use them as a point of reference for your blog posts. It is important to monitor what is resonating with your kind of audience, so that you can post something on similar lines, but better.

Get inspired by Influencers

Spot people who act as influencers in your industry niche, such as social media personalities, popular bloggers etc who your audience connects with. The influencers could be brands or individuals. Find out what type of content they are posting on, and which posts are getting more traction – whether social media updates or blog posts. To find a dentist SEO service, visit this website.

Let your audience suggest ideas

Probably nothing is better than hearing directly from your target audience. You are developing content for prospects and customers, and you should not hold back from asking them what types of posts they would like to read about. You can add a line about this under your existing posts or use feedback forms or surveys to ask questions and give suggestions to them about the topics they can choose from for you to write on. Learn more about finding the best law firm SEO expert at this website.

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